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SERVERware 3 CLI Source List

 ~# netsetup Serverware network management application.
~# sw discovery Check all available online hosts and make a list output.
 ~# sw vps-list List of VPSs available on server.
~# sw vps-info -n <vps name> Detail information of the VPS.
 ~# sw vps-start -n <vps name> Start the VPS.
~# sw vps-stop -n <vps name> Stop the VPS.
 ~# sw vps-attach -n <vps name> This option is used to attach the VPS on the processing host.
~# sw vps-detach -n <vps name> This option is used to detach VPS from the host.
 ~# sw template-list List the templates available for use on the server.
~# lxc-attach -n <VPS-name> Attach console to console of running VPS.
 ~# lxc-info -n <VPS-Name> Detail information of the VPS.
 ~# lxc-start -n <VPS-Name> Start VPS using native lxc command.
 ~# lxc-stop -n <VPS-name> Stop VPS using native lxc command.
 ~# lxc-ls -f List of VPSs available on server.
 ~# zpool status <pool name> View status of storage pool.
~# zpool createCreate ZFS pool.
 ~# zpool import Import existing storage pool.
~# zpool exportExport existing storage pool.
 ~# zdb Display zpool debugging and consistency information.
~# zpool clearClears device errors in a pool.
 ~# zpool scrub The scrub examines all data in the specified pools to verify that it checksums correctly.
~# zpool listLists the given pools along with a health status and space usage.