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CRM :: Pipedrive

  • Get Started

To get started with Pipedrive CRM, register to the Pipedrive CRM URL: https://www.pipedrive.com/en/register

Once registered, you will be logged in as an Owner of the account. This is how it looks on the dashboard. Clicking on your account in the top right corner will lead you to the API page, settings, etc.

  • Pipedrive configuration (CRM Integration on the PBXware)

Here are the steps that should be taken on the PBXware side: 

1. Navigate to the CRM Integration tab

2. Pressing the toggle button will enable or disable the service.

(E.g. On/Off)

3. CRM Type

Select Pipedrive

API URL - This will be the URL of your company name you create when creating your CRM account. In our case, when we were registering the company name, it was Bicom Systems. Your Pipedrive, when registered, will then automatically be https://your-company-name.pipedrive.com

(E.g. in our case it is: https://bicomsystems.pipedrive.com/v1/)

v1 is also added at the end of the URL as this is the API version, and it is necessary to be at the end of the API URL for CRM to work. 

Page URL - is your dashboard CRM URL. Same as API URL but without v1 at the end. 

(E.g. in our case it is: https://bicomsystems.pipedrive.com)

4. 'Save to enable' button will appear which indicates that a user has to populate all fields on the page and 'Save' settings.

After populating all fields and saving the settings, the 'Test' button will appear.

Upon clicking the button, users will be prompted to a different pop-up window where they can enter the CRM account information in order to test the configuration.

5. Test


Provide the CRM account's email used to register to Pipedrive.


Provide the CRM account's API.

API can be found by going to the Personal preferences -> API after you login to your Pipedrive account. 

Caller ID:

Caller ID to search for a customer (optional).

Log Call:

Setting 'Log call' to 'Yes' will create a log inside the CRM.

(E.g. Yes/No)

After providing all the necessary information, press 'Run' and the CRM Integration test will be started.

  • Log Options

Users can enable the CRM default log options that each gloCOM instance is going to use. In addition, each gloCOM instance can set its own log options if needed.

The default log options are:

Log inbound calls

(E.g. Yes/No/Not Set)

Log outbound calls

(E.g. Yes/No/Not Set)

Log answered calls

(E.g. Yes/No/Not Set)

Log unanswered calls

(E.g. Yes/No/Not Set)

Upload recordings

(E.g. Yes/No/Not Set)

  • gloCOM Configuration

To configure gloCOM, please use Pipedrive’s email as the gloCOM username and the personal API Token as the gloCOM password.

(E.g. Username: myusername, Password: myAPItoken)

After successful integration, contacts should appear:

To sync contacts inside the gloCOM/Communicator Desktop App, you would need to go to the Contacts tab and click the circular arrow.

CRM integration within the application can be checked in CRM logs which are located under Tools -> Diagnostic logs -> CRM.

An example for leads where a popup should appear leading to the Pipedrive page and indicating that the contact already exists.

An example of a popup for incoming calls. 

After the call ends, it will be displayed under the Activity tab.

To add a now contact on a Pipedrive side, you would need to go to Contacts on the left side and Add Contact.


If the customer isn’t found, the 'Create page' won’t be opened in Pipedrive.

CRM log files and configuration

Log files for CRM service can be found on the following path:


CRM logs are quite straightforward, and usually they contain information about errors, and we can conclude are those errors on the PBXware or CRM side.

Example of a successful log file: 

2025-01-20 15:15:44 - DEBUG --> CRMConnectorFactory - Loading PipedriveConnector connector 

  object(PipedriveConnector)#6 (4) {




2025-01-20 15:15:44 - INFO  --> PipedriveConnector - Connecting to Pipedrive CRM... 

2025-01-20 15:15:44 - INFO  --> PipedriveConnector - Search Users 

2025-01-20 15:15:44 - INFO  --> PipedriveConnector - https://bicomsystems.pipedrive.com/v1//users/find?api_token=900bfxxxxxxxxxxxxx&term=edisd%40bicomsystems.com&search_by_email=1 

2025-01-20 15:15:45 - INFO  --> PipedriveConnector - https://bicomsystems.pipedrive.com/v1//personFields?

2025-01-20 15:15:45 - VARS --> object(PipedriveConnection)#8 (6) {

  string(38) "https://bicomsystems.pipedrive.com/v1/"

  string(34) "https://bicomsystems.pipedrive.com"

  string(9) "Pipedrive"

2025-01-20 15:15:45 - DEBUG --> CRMConnectorFactory - Loading PipedriveConnector connector 

2025-01-20 15:15:45 - INFO  --> PipedriveConnector - Search Customers in batch 

2025-01-20 15:15:45 - INFO  --> PipedriveConnector - Search Customers 

2025-01-20 15:15:45 - INFO  --> PipedriveConnector - https://bicomsystems.pipedrive.com/v1//persons?

2025-01-20 15:15:45 - DEBUG --> Route - GET  /customers returns: {"records":[{"id":1,"webpage":"https:\/\/bicomsystems.pipedrive.com\/person\/1","name":"[Sample] Benjamin Leon","workphone":null,"mobilephone":null,"homephone":null,"fax":"785-202-7824","email":"[email protected]","company":null,"type":"Person","calllogid":null,"calllogurl":null},{"id":2,"webpage":"https:\/\/bicomsystems.pipedrive.com\/person\/2","name":"[Sample] Tony Turner","workphone":null,"mobilephone":null,"homephone":null,"fax":"218-348-8528","email":"[email protected]","company":"[Sample] MoveEr","type":"Person","calllogid":null,"calllogurl":null},{"id":3,"webpage":"https:\/\/bicomsystems.pipedrive.com\/person\/3","name":"[Sample] Gloria Quinn","workphone":null,"mobilephone":null,"homephone":null,"fax":"862-252-9773","email":"[email protected]","company":"[Sample] EmpowerMove","type":"Person","calllogid":null,"calllogurl":null},{"id":4,"webpage":"https:\/\/bicomsystems.pipedrive.com\/person\/4","name":"[Sample] Otto Miller","workphone":null,"mobilephone":null,"homephone":null,"fax":"601-906-7534","email":"[email protected]","company":"[Sample] iTable","type":"Person","calllogid":null,"calllogurl":null},{"id":5,"webpage":"https:\/\/bicomsystems.pipedrive.com\/person\/5","name":"[Sample] Phyllis Yang","workphone":null,"mobilephone":null,"homephone":null,"fax":"240-707-3884","email":"[email protected]","company":"[Sample] Phyllis & Cie","type":"Person","calllogid":null,"calllogurl":null},{"id":6,"webpage":"https:\/\/bicomsystems.pipedrive.com\/person\/6","name":"[Sample] Peru Zitan","workphone":null,"mobilephone":null,"homephone":null,"fax":"110-123-1246","email":"[email protected]","company":"[Sample] Lorean","type":"Person","calllogid":null,"calllogurl":null},{"id":7,"webpage":"https:\/\/bicomsystems.pipedrive.com\/person\/7","name":"[Sample] Kanushi Barnes","workphone":null,"mobilephone":null,"homephone":null,"fax":"","email":"[email protected]","company":null,"type":"Person","calllogid":null,"calllogurl":null},{"id":8,"webpage":"https:\/\/bicomsystems.pipedrive.com\/person\/8","name":"[Sample] Githa Watson","workphone":null,"mobilephone":null,"homephone":null,"fax":"260-414-1246","email":"[email protected]","company":null,"type":"Person","calllogid":null,"calllogurl":null},{"id":9,"webpage":"https:\/\/bicomsystems.pipedrive.com\/person\/9","name":"Edis Test","workphone":"38762567890","mobilephone":null,"homephone":null,"fax":null,"email":"[email protected]","company":null,"type":"Person","calllogid":null,"calllogurl":null}],"urls":[],"has_more_records":false}

We can increase the logging level for CRM, by editing the CRM configuration file: 

nano /opt/pbxware/pw/etc/crmiservice/crmiservice.conf


  • Pipedrive Reported Issues

       1. Pipedrive as a supported CRM is not showing in the settings -> preferences of the gloCOM/Communicator desktop app.

(Fixed in v7.4)

After fix:

        2. PipeDrive Integration issue

(Affected versions: 5.3.5 and - Fix version: 6.4.0+)

PipeDrive integration intermittently fails when calls are received, resulting in the contact window not opening and call logs or recordings not uploading to the CRM. The issue resolves temporarily after resaving CRM settings, suggesting a configuration-related problem. Additionally, the integration on Communicator (v5.3.5.1) is inconsistent, where reconfiguring CRM parameters restores functionality temporarily. Despite all communicators using the same integration parameters, some calls are not logged or recorded correctly in PipeDrive, and duplicate contact entries appear, complicating tracking.


        3.  CRM issue with URL being entered incorrectly (trailing slash issue)

    (Affected versions: - Fix version: 6.7.4+)

There is an issue with the CRM integration where URLs are entered incorrectly due to a trailing slash, resulting in URLs like "https://example.pipedrive.com//page" instead of the correct "https://example.pipedrive.com/page." This causes problems when appending paths to the base URL. Additionally, when receiving calls, the integration attempts to open the correct contact page URL but instead redirects to the Deals page, despite the communicator recognizing the contact and displaying the correct name. The issue persists in version and is confirmed through customer testing and diagnostic logs.

        4. CRM Routing Request Timeout

(Affected versions: v6 - Fix version: 6.7.5+)

There is an issue with CRM Routing for Pipedrive CRM where calls are consistently routed to the default destination. Logs and debug output indicate that the problem is caused by a request timeout due to the high number of users on the CRM side. The timeout occurs after 5001 milliseconds with no data received. Increasing the timeout duration may help resolve this issue.