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MySQL :: HOWTO Accessing MySQL Database from Outside

HOWTO Accessing MySQL Database From Outside

MySQL Database can be accessed from a remote location. In order to do so:

1. Login via ssh into pbxware as root.

2. Access MySQL by entering command:


3. Add a new user by means of a GRANT SQL command, e.g.

 GRANT SELECT ON pbxware.cdr TO 'john'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'new-password';

This command will add a user john who will be able to access the database from IP and will authenticate using password new-password, with privileges to only read data from the CDR table in pbxware database.

By default, access from other machines is disabled for security reasons and you are performing this procedure at your own risk. Bicom Systems cannot be held responsible for any eventual issues caused by customers decision to enable remote MySQL connection.

WARNING: Any manual MySQL modifications are at your own risk and should be performed by a person familiar with MySQL. Eventual issues caused are not covered by Bicom Systems support.