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UAD :: HOWTO UAD branding

1. Changing Name for gloCOM UAD

To enter MySQL, a user has to ssh into PBXware and run the following command:


It is necessary to find an ID for a gloCOM UAD in order to update the matching database entry. First, a user needs to search the MySQL database for a gloCOM UAD by running the command below:

select * from admin_site.pbxware_devices where fullname='gloCOM';

The output should look something like this:

| id  | name   | fullname | ref     | config | data                                                                                                                                                             | generalcfg | custom | brand_id |
| 127 | glocom | gloCOM   | sip:ext |        | dtmfmode=>rfc2833 | status=>active | incominglimit=>3 | outgoinglimit=>3 | disallow=>all | allow=>ulaw:alaw | autoprov=>no | videosupport=>yes musiconhold=>43   | NULL       | NULL   |        3 |

Once a user has found that the gloCOM UAD's ID is 127, s(he) can now use it to change the name of the UAD.

NOTE: In the example, we have used the name 'Communicator', but users can replace 'Communicator' with a name they have chosen to promote gloCOM as their own application.

update admin_site.pbxware_devices set fullname='Communicator' where id='127';

If PBXware is the Business or Call Center Edition, all that is needed to be done is to make sure that the gloCOM UAD name is updated to the preferred name. If users have to update the Multi-Tenant edition, entries for every Tenant that were already created must be updated as well. Any Tenants that were created later will have the new name applied automatically.

2. Changing Name for gloCOM UAD for Existing Tenants - Multi-Tenant Edition

In case users have already created Tenants on their system, they will have to update entries for each Tenant respectively.

We will use the same previous command to find the ID for our gloCOM UAD. IDs, in most cases, should be the same as what we got on the system level, but we strongly suggest to check this beforehand for each Tenant just to make sure.

select * from admin_site.999_pbxware_devices where fullname='gloCOM';

The output should look something like this:

| id  | name   | fullname | ref     | config | data                                                                                                                                                             | generalcfg | custom | brand_id |
| 127 | glocom | gloCOM   | sip:ext |        | dtmfmode=>rfc2833 | status=>active | incominglimit=>3 | outgoinglimit=>3 | disallow=>all | allow=>ulaw:alaw | autoprov=>no | videosupport=>yes musiconhold=>43   | NULL       | NULL   |        3 |

As it can be seen, in this case as well, the ID is 127. Since it is the same as before, it will be used to update the name for a gloCOM UAD on the Tenant 999.

NOTE: Please make sure to replace '999' in the table name with the correct Tenant number. Failing to do so will result in error.

update admin_site.999_pbxware_devices set fullname='Communicator' where id='127';

Query OK, 1 row affected (0,03 sec)
Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0

Please repeat this process for all existing Tenants.

3. Changing UAD Brand Name for gloCOM UAD

At this point, the gloCOM UAD name should be changed, but we will keep it for the future reference.

If not in MySQL, please enter it by typing the command from the PBXware shell:


When in MySQL, use the command below to list all available brands:

select * from admin_site.pbxware_device_brands;
| id | name          |
|  1 | Aastra        |
|  2 | Alcatel       |
|  3 | Bicom Systems |
  • Find the 'Bicom Systems' brand on the list.
  • Check the ID number associated with the 'Bicom Systems' brand. (Users will need it in order to update this field.)

Run the command below and please make sure to replace 'YourBrandName' with the preferred name.

NOTE: If the 'Bicom Systems' brand is associated with some other ID number, please make sure to enter the matching ID.

update admin_site.pbxware_device_brands set name="YourBrandName" where id='3';

If everything was done as advised, this should be the following output:

Query OK, 1 row affected (0,01 sec)
Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0

To check whether the changes were applied successfully, please run the following command:

select * from admin_site.pbxware_device_brands;

| id | name          |
|  1 | Aastra        |
|  2 | Alcatel       |
|  3 | YourBrandName |



If 'Bicom Systems' was replaced with 'YourBrandName', the operation is performed successfully and the brand name is edited accordingly.

If PBXware is the Business or Call Center Edition, all that is needed to be done is to make sure that the gloCOM UAD Brand is updated to the preferred name. If users are running Multi-Tenant Edition, entries for every Tenant that were already created must be updated as well. Any Tenants created later will have the new name applied automatically.

NOTE: To see changes in GUI, please refresh the browser on the UAD screen.

4. Changing gloCOM UAD Brand Name for Existing Tenants - Multi Tenant Edition

As it was shown in our previous example where we changed the name of the gloCOM UAD, on a Multi-Tenant system, all existing Tenants must have this change applied as well.

select * from admin_site.999_pbxware_device_brands;
| id | name          |
|  1 | Aastra        |
|  2 | Alcatel       |
|  3 | Bicom Systems |

As it can be seen, in this case the ID is 3. It is the same as on the system level, so this is the number that will be used to update the name for gloCOM UAD on Tenant 999.

NOTE: Please make sure to replace '999' in the table name with the correct Tenant number. Failing to do so will result in error.

  • Run the command below but please make sure to replace 'YourBrandName' with the preferred name and the Tenant number with the correct number of the specified Tenant.

NOTE: If the 'Bicom Systems' brand is associated with some other ID number, please make sure to enter the matching ID.

update admin_site.999_pbxware_device_brands set name="YourBrandName" where id='3';

If everything was done as advised, this should be the following output:

Query OK, 1 row affected (0,01 sec)
Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0

To check whether the changes were applied successfully, please run the following command:

select * from admin_site.999_pbxware_device_brands;

| id | name          |
|  1 | Aastra        |
|  2 | Alcatel       |
|  3 | YourBrandName |



Please repeat this process for all existing Tenants.