HOWTO Configuration Files
Configuration files can be changed through:
- The system shell:
- Login to the system shell as a root user
- Navigate to the correct path
cd /opt/pbxware/pw/etc/asterisk
- Edit the 'sip.conf' file for example
nano ./sip.conf
- Change the file to your specifications
- Exit the file editor
Press 'CTRL + O' Press 'Enter' Press 'CTRL + X'
- Restart the services
/opt/pbxware/sh/stop /opt/pbxware/sh/start
- System Interface:
- Login to the system administration
- Navigate to 'Settings: Conf Files'
- Click on a conf file name on the right side
- Change the file to your specifications
- Click on 'Save'
- Click on 'Restart'
NOTE: If conf files are changed through the system shell in the system interface you will have to click on the 'Import All Files' button before making any changes
HOWTO Restrict Changes To Configuration Files
- Login to the system administration
- Navigate to 'Settings: Conf Files'
- Click on the 'Locked' check box
- Click on 'Save'
- Login into the system console as a root user
Navigate to the pbxware directory:
cd /opt/pbxware
Change the asterisk directory ownership
chown root:root pw/etc/asterisk
Change the asterisk directory permissions
chmod 754 pw/etc/asterisk
Change the ownership to features.conf file
chown root:root pw/etc/asterisk/features.conf
HOWTO Location Of All Asterisk Configuration Files
System configuration files:
- /opt/pbxware/pw/etc
- /opt/pbxware/pw/etc/asterisk
- /opt/pbxware/pw/pbxware/etc
- /opt/pbxware/pw/var/log
- /opt/pbxware/pw/tmp