HOWTO Sounds of PBXware
1. Music on Hold -> Download from the backend
Currently, MOH can not be downloaded from the PBXware GUI. To download the MOH file from the backend:
- ssh to the system by entering the following command:
ssh user-name@IP-ADDRESS-OF-THE-SYSTEM -p2020
Password: enter your user password (e.g. ssh [email protected] -p2020)
- Check MOH files on particular tenant:
- Download the MOH file by entering the following command:
scp -prC -P2020 root@IP:/opt/pbxware/pw/var/lib/asterisk/moh/m- tnumber/file_name.wav /destination_path
(e.g. scp -prC -p2020 [email protected]:/opt/pbxware/pw/var/lib/asterisk/moh/m-787/test_moh.wav /home)
2. Set Radio as MOH on PBXware
To set the radio as MOH:
- Navigate to:
'System' -> 'Music on Hold' -> 'Classes'
- Create a class with the stream URL applied to it
An example of streaming URL that works:
NOTE: to get the proper format for your streaming, download the streaming file from your radio web page and open the file with a text editor. That should give you a streaming URL. More information about the MOH Streaming URL configuration can be found on this link:
3. Location of a sound file, voicemail files, music on hold files
Currently, MOH can not be downloaded from the PBXware GUI. To download the MOH file from the backend:
- ssh to the system by entering the following command:
ssh user-name@IP-ADDRESS-OF-THE-SYSTEM -p2020
Password: enter your user password (e.g. ssh [email protected] -p2020)
Location of sound files:
- Navigate to the location of sound files by entering the following command:
cd /opt/pbxware/pw/var/lib/asterisk/sounds/
Location of voicemail files:
- Navigate to the location of sound files by entering the following command:
cd /opt/pbxware/pw/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/
Location of music on hold files:
- Navigate to the location of sound files by entering the following command:
cd /opt/pbxware/pw/var/lib/asterisk/moh/
4. Remove voicemails older than x days
- ssh to the system by entering the following command:
ssh user-name@IP-ADDRESS-OF-THE-SYSTEM -p2020
Password: enter your user password (e.g. ssh [email protected] -p2020)
To remove voicemails older than x days:
- Delete voicemail files older than x days by entering the following command:
find /opt/pbxware/pw/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/t-number/voicemail_number/INBOX/* -mtime +{x} -exec rm {} \;
Note: x is number of days, e.g. +30
The second way of removing voicemails:
- For the safe side, first, do a dry run and list files matching the criteria:
find /opt/pbxware/pw/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/t-number/voicemail_number/INBOX/ -name "*.WAV" -type f -mtime +{x}
Note: x is number of days, e.g. +30
- Once the list is verified, delete those files by running the following command:
find /opt/pbxware/pw/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/t-number/voicemail_number/INBOX -name "*.WAV" -type f -mtime +{x} -delete
NOTE: The above command will delete only files with a .WAV extension and with the last modification date older than X days.
5. Remove recordings older than x days
- ssh to the system by entering the following command:
ssh user-name@IP-ADDRESS-OF-THE-SYSTEM -p2020
Password: enter your user password (e.g. ssh [email protected] -p2020)
To remove recordings older than x days:
- Delete voicemail files older than x days by entering the following command:
find /opt/pbxware/pw/var/spool/asterisk/monitor/t-number/* -mtime +{x} -exec rm {} \;
Note: x is number of days, e.g. +30
6. Unavailable/busy message is not uploading (old one still playing) - how to fix it
A greeting message is a message played to users upon entering the voice box when an extension is unavailable or busy. (E.g. when A gets to B's voice box, the selected 'Greeting message' is played to A before A is allowed to leave a message).
User has the option to record a greeting for its extension via 2 different options:
- By dialing *123 to access voicemail from its phone and following instructions from voicemail IVR
- To upload a greeting from PBXware GUI -> Home -> Extensions -> edit extension in question -> Show advanced options -> Voicemail section -> Greeting message. Choose Unavailable or Busy from the drop-down menu and click on Choose File to upload a greeting from its computer.
Sometimes, the unavailable/busy message is not uploading (the old one still playing). Here is the way how to fix it:
- ssh to the system by entering the following command:
ssh user-name@IP-ADDRESS-OF-THE-SYSTEM -p2020
Password: enter your user password (e.g. ssh [email protected] -p2020)
- Navigate to the voicemail section:
cd /opt/pbxware/pw/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/t-num/voicemail_number/
- Remove particular files on which the issue occurs:
e.g. rm busy.WAV unavail.WAV
- If a user is using the 1. option to record a greeting, the file needs to be downloaded to its computer from PBXware first by clicking on the file.WAV:
'Tenant level' -> 'Extensions' -> 'Edit extension on which greeting was recorded'
- Convert the file using the following link:
NOTE: You can use this converter with standard definition to convert your file to the acceptable format which is .WAV
- After the file is converted, upload it to the PBXware
Navigate to:
'PBXware GUI' -> 'Home' -> 'Extensions' -> 'edit extension in question' -> 'Show advanced options' -> 'Voicemail section' -> 'Greeting message'
Choose Unavailable or Busy from drop down menu and click on Choose File to upload greeting from its computer.
- If a user is using the 2. option to record greetings, the file needs to be converted using the following link:
NOTE: You can use this converter with standard definition to convert your file to the acceptable format which is .WAV
- After the file is converted, upload it to the PBXware
Navigate to:
'PBXware GUI' -> 'Home' -> 'Extensions' -> 'edit extension in question' -> 'Show advanced options' -> 'Voicemail section' -> 'Greeting message'
Choose Unavailable or Busy from drop down menu and click on Choose File to upload greeting from its computer.