This HOWTO contains list of sound file prefixes that can be uploaded as a greetings or announcements on various section of the PBXware.
In order to upload greeting on a DID, make sure it has the prefix defined as: 'greeting-did-$NAME.gsm'
Greeting on IVR should be uploaded in the following format: : 'greeting-$NAME.gsm'
Dial Group
To upload a Greeting on a Dial Group (Ring Group), following format must be followed: 'greeting-$NAME.gsm'
To upload a Timeout Message on the Dial Group, make sure your sound file begins with: 'announce-$NAME.gsm'
When it comes to uploading a sound files under the Incoming Call Confirmation section, one must follow these rules:
- 'rg-announce-$NAME.gsm' for the Confirmation message
- 'rg-late-announce-$NAME.gsm' for the Call Answered Message
ERG and Queue
Queue and ERG greetings have following prefix : 'queue-greeting-$NAME.gsm'
Periodic announce for the queues and ERGs: are uploaded as :'periodic-announce-$NAME.gsm'
ERG member announce use the following prefix: 'member-announce-$NAME.gsm'
Queue Callback Announcements:
Caller announce: 'qc-announce-caller-announce-$NAME.gsm'
Agent announce: 'qc-announce-agent-announce-$NAME.gsm'
Contact Center Queues/Voice Queues
In addition to the queue greeting and periodic announcements that can be found on ERGs, following are ONLY Contact Center related sound files:
- Agent announce: 'agent-announce-$NAME.gsm'
- Queue Callback Agent and Caller announce:'qc-announce-$NAME.gsm'
Dialer agents announce for Progressive and Preview uses prefix: 'dialer-announce-$NAME.gsm'
Dialer Voice Messaging IVR sound uses prefix: 'dialer-vm-ivr-$NAME.gsm'
NOTE: GSM files can later be converted to other formats using PBXware.