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General :: How To CLIR report

Analysis of the CLIR report

Destination not available

If you encounter an issue with the call, one should always check the CLIR report that you can find on the path below:

  • Master Tenant/Tenant in question --> Reports --> CDR --> select a call ID --> CLIR Report

In this particular example, when you have an issue with the call and get a message about "destination not available", one should look for section on the CLIR report that provides more information regarding the same problem.

The specific part of the CLIR report that provides more information looks like this (refer to the screenshot below).

The highlighted section provides information that destination that was dialed is --> localextensions.

Meaning that this was a local call (ext. to ext.) and further, message below says "not_authorized" which means that such destination is not available on the extension that has made this call.

Having this information now, one should navigate to the extension in question (extension that has made the call) --> destinations --> allow "localextensions" destination.

After this was done, the call should go through (if there are no other issues.)