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Basic PBXware API Examples

In this article, we will cover some basic API requests you can make towards PBXware.
For more detailed information, you can refer to the API Documentation within PBXware on the following path:
Admin Settings --> API Keys --> Documentation.

The examples below have been made with Postman, but you can use any other API client to send successful requests (including your browser).

In the first example, we will list all extensions from a specific tenant on PBXware:

To break it down, we have sent a simple GET request to our PBXware instance where we provided the 'server' key (tenant key in this particular case), the 'apikey' key and the 'action' key.

The tenant key can be found when you open the tenant in the PBXware GUI. You will see the 'server=$number' in the URL bar.

In case of the CC edition, 'server' will always have the value of '1'.

The API key can be found/generated in the API section in PBXware (Admin Settings --> API Keys).

The 'action' key can be broken down into the application (pbxware), action object (ext) and the method (list).

By referring to the example above, we can now take one of the 4-digit extension identifiers and list the detailed configuration for a specific extension by adding it into the request:

In this example, we have just added the extension identifier in the URL and changed the method to 'configuration'.

Here is the basic URL format which you can use as a template to get started:


Now, for the last example, we will list all tenants on the system.

We will accomplish that by changing the server id to '1' (for Master Tenant) and the action object to 'tenant':

These basic examples should help you get started with using the API. It is highly recommended to read through the detailed documentation within PBXware to get a better understanding of its vast options and capabilities.