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HOWTO System Daemon


To start PBXware:

  1. Login to PBXware using SSH protocol
  2. Navigate to the 'pbxware' directory 'cd /opt/pbxware/'
  3. Execute 'sh/start'


To stop PBXware:

  1. Login to PBXware using SSH protocol
  2. Navigate to 'pbxware' directory 'cd /opt/pbxware/'
  3. Execute 'sh/stop'

HOWTO Dreload

To reload PBXware with basic debug output messages:

  1. Login to PBXware using SSH protocol
  2. Navigate to the 'pbxware' directory 'cd /opt/pbxware/'
  3. Execute 'sh/pbxware dreload'

HOWTO Logging Asterisk Activity Into Log File

To make asterisk log the activity to a log file:

 asterisk -rx 'stop now'
 asterisk -vvvvvvvvv -g -ddddddddddd >/tmp/log 2>&1 &

HOWTO Content of OPT Directory

Under '/opt' you have 2 PBXware related directories:

  • httpd
  • pbxware

httpd - Setup Wizard/Licenser is a kind of controller for 'pbxware' chroot.

pbxware - Consist of chroot, with no root privileges, and several important processes:

  • PBXware daemon (dialling logic, controlling logic),
  • Asterisk,
  • Sitemanager GUI
  • Several other utils required for normal operation