With below request you can get list of Dialler campaigns by simply entering the address in your browsers address bar:
Make sure to always replace YOUR.IP.ADDRESS and YOUR.API.KEY with values specific for your system.
Response should look like this:
{ "1": "test1", "4": "test2", "5": "test3", "6": "agentcom" }
Now when you have ID of your campaign, you can list CSV files per campaign:
In above example we are using id=6 to list files for campaign "agentcom".
Response should be like this:
{ "23": { "name": "dial_test.csv", "campid": "6", "form_fields": "number,name,address" } }
To add a number to the CSV file:
This one is probably most complicated. In previous response you got; "form_fields": "number,name,address" So your "csv" field value should look like
for example:
and in "numberfield" you should set column with number, just like when uploading CSV file: in this case it's 1.