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Omnichannel: Live Chat integration with PBXware CC


This document explains the process of Live Chat integration with PBXware. This feature is available in PBXware Contact Centre edition for versions 7.1 and above.

Omnichannel is a robust application that extends the power of Contact Center features, allowing your customers to interact with your business across multiple communication channels like emailing, live chat messaging, SMS texting, Facebook and Whatsapp.

Channels serve as the mediums through which customers can establish communication with Agents. The Channels section of the Omnichannel software provides a user-friendly and efficient way to manage and organize the different communication channels that your customers use to reach out to your business. It helps to streamline and simplify the process of receiving and handling customer messages, ensuring that all customer inquiries are promptly and effectively addressed.

Live Chat Channel

A Live Chat Channel page is a section of a messaging platform where administrators can set up a live chat channel for their website. The page allows them to specify a domain name that will be used for the chat, choose a queue where the chat will be directed, and select pre-chat and leave-a-message forms that customers will fill out before or after chatting with a support agent. This page enables administrators to customize the live chat experience for their customers and streamline the process of handling customer queries and support requests.


  1. PBXware Contact Centre edition, version 7.1 and newer

  2. Working web page with live chat widget snippet added into the web page

  3. Agent/Supervisor edition of gloCOM/Communicator app

  4. Omnichannel module added in license

Adding Live Chat channel

First step: Adding a live chat snippet to the page.

Navigate to Messaging -> Channels -> Chat Widget to locate the chat snippet.

Once you've found the chat snippet, copy and paste it into the HTML code of the webpage where you want the live chat feature to appear. This snippet enables visitors to initiate chat conversations directly from the webpage.

Second step: choose Live chat under Channels section in Contact Centre -> Messaging section -> Channels.

Once Live Chat is selected from the drop-down list, a new window will appear with two fields which need to be populated:

Domain Configuration

  • Domain: Specify the domain where your Live Chat will be operational. Once set, this domain will be where the Live Chat runs after users copy a code snippet provided in the Chat Widget section. This is the platform or website where customers can access the Live Chat feature.

 Destination Selection

  • Destination: Users can decide the method of request distribution: either through the Chatbot or directly to a Queue. If chosen via the Chatbot, users accessing the Live Chat will encounter options that guide them to a specific Queue. On the other hand, if directed straight, they will immediately be placed in a Queue. Both methods aim to streamline the user's journey to the desired destination.

Once this is completed, on the page there should be a chat icon 

Once you click on the live chat widget, a chat window will appear where the page visitor can enter the necessary contact information and initiate a chat. This allows seamless communication between the visitor and your support team or representatives

Let’s say we have selected one messaging queue for this live chat channel.  Once the chat is initiated, based on the settings in the messaging queue, this ticket will be either automatically or manually assigned to an agent.

In the agent panel, it will appear as follows: The ticket will be displayed in the queue, indicating that there is a new chat waiting to be addressed. If the assignment is automatic, the ticket may be assigned to an available agent based on predefined criteria.

If the assignment is manual, an agent or supervisor will need to assign the ticket to an appropriate agent for handling. The following picture shows how it will be shown on agent panel: 

The next picture shows how the conversation looks on both sides:


Another available option is to point this Live Chat channel to Chatbot instead of the queue directly. If Chatbot is added as a destination for this channel,  users accessing the Live Chat will encounter options that guide them to a specific Queue. On the other hand, if directed straight, they will immediately be placed in a Queue. Both methods aim to streamline the user's journey to the desired destination.

The Chatbots section functions as an advanced routing system designed to guide customers toward the most suitable queue for their specific needs. Unlike conventional chatbots that auto-respond to customer inquiries, these specialized chatbots empower customers to choose the queue that is staffed with agents best qualified to assist with their particular issue. This highly targeted approach to customer routing not only amplifies customer satisfaction but also allows your team to concentrate their expertise where it's most needed, thereby addressing complex concerns more effectively.

To add a chatbot administrator should open PBXware GUI -> Contact Centre -> Messaging -> Chatbots.

To set up a chatbot, click the "Add Chatbot" button. This will take you to a page where you can configure the settings for your chatbot. There are four fields that you can customize:

  • Chatbot Name: This is the name of your chatbot, visible to administrators in the Chatbots list for easy identification.

  • Welcome Message: This is the message that the chatbot will send to customers when they first start a conversation with it. This message should provide a brief introduction to the chatbot and its purpose.

  • Wrong Option Message: This is the message that the chatbot will send to customers accessing via the SMS channel when they provide an option that is not recognized. This message should inform them that their input was not understood and provide guidance on how to proceed.

  • Correct Option Message: This is the message that the chatbot will send to customers when they provide an option that is recognized. This message should confirm that the customer's input was understood and provide them with additional information or instructions.

  • Preview: On the other side of the page, there's a graphical preview of the Visitor app displaying the chatbot options. This provides a visual representation of how the chatbot will appear to users accessing via the SMS channel.

On the visitor's side, once they start the chat, they will be presented with the following:

Depending on the visitor’s choice, chat will be assigned to the messaging queue. Once assigned, the visitor will receive a reply from an agent who is responsible for handling chats in that queue. Following picture will show how conversation looks on both sides:

Overall, the Chatbots section of the Omnichannel software feature provides an efficient and personalized service to your customers by handling common inquiries and directing more complex issues to human agents. It helps to improve customer satisfaction, increase efficiency, and reduce costs. With clear visual previews and customizable options, the chatbot interface is easy to understand and use.

Agent panel features- Live Chat specific

In addition to the standard options available for managing tickets, such as assigning the chat to oneself, transferring the chat to another agent, closing the chat, or changing the ticket status, there are specific features designed for Live Chat tickets. Specific feature for the Live Chat channel is OpenStreetMap integration, which shows in Contact information tab GEO IP location of the visitor.

This does not require any additional setup.

Also another valuable feature within the Profile section is the Ban Customer option. This functionality empowers agents to restrict interactions with specific customers with whom they are presently engaged, preventing those banned customers from either continuing ongoing conversations or initiating new ones.

To initiate the ban, agents simply need to click the three-dot button within the interface and then select the 'Ban Customer' option.

Hereafter, a new window will open within the agent panel. In this window, agents are provided with the capability to specify the duration for which the ban will remain in effect.


Furthermore, they are required to provide a clear and valid reason for the customer's ban, ensuring that the cause behind the action is well-documented.

Common reasons for banning customers include harassment of call center agents, use of offensive language, making false claims, repeated violations of terms of service, or engaging in fraudulent activities.

Once the agent bans the customer, the ticket will be automatically closed.

Banned customers will be shown in the Security section. This page empowers supervisors and agents to ban and unban customers and access a comprehensive list of banned customers, featuring details about the banned customer, restricted IP, the initiator of the ban, and reasons for the ban. This enhancement bolsters security and control for customer interactions..

Agents can view the complete list of banned customers and unban only those customers whom they have personally banned.

Supervisors can view the list and unban any customer, irrespective of who initiated the ban.

NOTE: In the event that two agents attempt to ban the same IP address, the IP address will not appear twice within the banned list. Instead, the system will consolidate the information. For example, if Agent A wishes to ban IP address for seven days, the ban is approved and displayed in the banned table. Subsequently, when Agent B also wants to ban the same IP address ( for 14 days, the data within the banned list will be updated with the information provided by the second agent. As a result, the IP address will show a 14-day ban in the table, effectively overriding the initial 7-day ban set by Agent A.