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SERVERware:: Upgrade

How to upgrade SERVERware system

SERVERware 1.x and 3.X reached EOL, so make sure you order your system's upgrade to version 4.X by following this guide: How to order SERVERware Upgrade

Upgrading SERVERware consists of two parts: upgrade of the operating system per each host (core system upgrade) and upgrade of SERVERware software by GUI.

SERVERware 4.x

Some upgrades require a "core-system upgrade", for example, an upgrade from SERVERware 3.x to 4.x. This procedure must be done under the supervision of support engineers. In order to proceed with SERVERware upgrade procedure scheduling you will need to initiate a support ticket.

When opening a ticket, in addition to the regular access details, make sure to provide valid access credentials to idrac, ilo, or KVM for every host currently operating within the SERVERware environment. This access is a requirement in order for the Support Team to be able to proceed with the upgrade procedure. 

If the SERVERware requires a core system upgrade on the upgrade tab you will have the message that says core system upgrade required!



SERVERware 4.x Micro upgrade

If the SERVERware requires a minor system update you may refer to the HOWTO-SERVERware-minor update document.