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UAD :: HOWTO Setting ringtone for local calls on Polycom phones


To start and successfully set ringtones for local calls on Polycom phones, the phone must be provisioned first. To provision Polycom phone see the video below or check Configuration Guide on this page.

Video Tutorial

Video tutorial explaining Auto Provisioning setup for Polycom Phones on PBXware 5.


Extension configuration

  • Go to Extensions
  • Edit the extension you want to set the custom ringtone on.
  • Open Show Advanced Options
  • Into UAD Auto Provisioning Template put additional configuration:
<se.rt.custom1 se.rt.custom1.name="Ringtone_Name" se.rt.custom1.ringer="Ringtone_Pattern_Name" />
<voIpProt.SIP.alertInfo voIpProt.SIP.alertInfo.1.value="value" voIpProt.SIP.alertInfo.1.class="custom1"/>


Change the Ringtone_Name with the one you want.
Change the Ringtone_Pattern_Name with the desired ringtone.
Change the value with the value you want.

Complete list of all available ringtones you can find here: Polycom UC Software Administrator Guide


<se.rt.custom1 se.rt.custom1.name="Splash" se.rt.custom1.ringer="ringer14" />
<voIpProt.SIP.alertInfo voIpProt.SIP.alertInfo.1.value="SpecialRing" voIpProt.SIP.alertInfo.1.class="custom1"/>

Ringtone for local calls

  • Go to Extensions
  • Edit the extension you want to set the custom ringtone on.

Note: use the same extension that you put the additional configuration to.

  • Into Ringtone for Local calls field, under the Caller ID section, put this line:
(e.g. ;info=SpecialRing)
  • Click Save button.
  • Reboot the phone.

Ringtone for Ring Groups

  • Go to Extensions->Ring Groups.
  • Edit the Ring Group you want to set the custom ringtone on.
  • Into the Custom Ringtone field enter the value, and put this line:
(e.g. ;info=SpecialRing)
  • Click the Save button.
  • Reboot the phone.

Ringtone for DIDs

  • Go to DIDs.
  • Edit the DID you want to set the customer ringtone on.
  • Into the Custom Ringtone field enter the value, and put this line:
(e.g. ;info=SpecialRing)
  • Click the Save button.
  • Reboot the phone.