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Product Board FAQ

  1. What is the Productboard, its purpose, and its main goal?


Productboard is a place where all your feature requests, that have passed validation by Product Owners, are published for the purpose of being reviewed and commented on by other interested parties.


This will help us to understand your needs, prioritize what to build next, and build a more collaborative environment.



  1. Who from my company can access the Productboard and how?


Any person that received an invitation to Productboard and confirmed the account in the system can access the Productboard. If you didn’t receive an invitation please contact your Business Success Representative at [email protected], or your Account Manager. 


By having access to the Productboard you will have the ability to search for features, provide comments and vote for a specific feature listed on the portal.



  1. How can I add my team members to the Productboard?


To add a new team member to the Productboard, please contact your Business success representative at [email protected]or your Account manager 



  1. How do I change/reset the password for my Productboard account?


If you have access to your account, once you log in, open the Account info, click on Create a password and type a new one. 


If you do not have access to your account, during the Sign in to the Productboard, click on Forgot password and input your email address which is linked to your account. Then click on Send reset instructions, after which you will receive the instructions in the email. 


  1.  How do I submit a feature request?


Feature requests should be submitted by ticket. It will then be handled by the Support team who will, if all requirements are met, transfer the task to Product owners for review.


To see how to submit a ticket, please visit Bicom Systems Wiki Page


  1. What happens to my feature request after I submit it?


After submitting a Feature request to a Support team, it will be transferred to the Product Owner for review. 

It will take 3-4 weeks until the Product Owner reviews the request and decides whether it meets all criteria to be listed on the Productboard.


In case:

  • Feature request is not clear enough

  • Some information is missing

  • Request is impracticable

  • The Product Owner believes that the requirement does not fully match the vision of the product


It won’t be put to Productboard immediately, and the Product Owner will inform a Support team member, who will continue a discussion with you on the initial ticket.


Otherwise, a feature request will be posted on Productboard and available for voting and commenting, and you will be informed about it on the initial ticket.


  1. How can I provide insight/vote on feature requests?


To observe all features, click on the PORTAL section in the upper-left corner and then choose the category (the product).


After choosing a product, you can find a specific feature according to the description.

To provide insight, click on a specific feature and add a comment by clicking on the Add Insight section.

To vote, select your name under User / Company.  It is essential to vote for the feature by selecting Importance. To finish the process, click on the Submit button.



  1. How can I escalate my feature request as it is essential?


You can escalate the feature request the same way as described in Escalating Ticket section on the Wiki page. The only difference from the usual bug ticket escalation is that the development of feature requests will be charged at already-formed prices. 


The feature request that has escalated, if marked valid and approved by the Product Owner, will be located in the Release section of the Productboard portal and not put for voting in the Under Consideration section. 


  1. Which criteria my feature request must meet on Productboard to be selected for development?


In order for the request to be moved from Under consideration to In progress status, the following criteria should be met:

  • Other partners need to show interest in the feature by giving insights and submitting votes

  • Values presented in feature request should relate to Bicom System's plans and goals


The product team will actively be involved in reviewing the status of feature requests on the Productboard and keeping you informed of decisions made regarding your feature.