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Queues :: Queue URL field

HOWTO Queue URL field

Queue URL field is being used for setting a Queue web link and send that specific URL to the agent's softphone if the softphone can open URLs. This URL likely contains information related to the caller, and by opening it, the agent can access additional details that may assist them in providing better support during the call.


This feature is often used with custom CRM solutions to open the page containing callers' information when available or create a new entry if caller ID is not found in the database.


When an agent who uses a softphone (gloCOM/Communicator) answers a call, it opens the specified Queue URL. Of course, the softphone must support this feature.

Also, %CALLERID% macro can be used in this URL, so when the softphone opens the link, it will see caller ID in place where this macro was.

For example:


If caller ID was John, the softphone would open the following URL:


This facility could be used for showing info on current callers to the agent answering the call. Of course, this implies that "http://domain.com" has info on "John". Plain www.exampledomain.com can be specified as a Queue URL which depends on PBX admin.