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SSH :: HOWTO SSH Access To LXC Instances

One 'host' server can run multiple LXC/VPS instances. Let's say you're working on a remote location using Windows OS. We will login to your 'host' server using SSH first and then enter a specific VPS instance:

Open the SSH client (Putty for example)

Under 'Host Name', type the host system IP address (e.g.

Set 'Port' = '2222' (use different SSH port if the default is not used by the host)

Click on the 'Open' button to initialize the connection

When asked for a username and password, provide the ones used on the host (username: swadmin, and corresponding password)

Once inside of the SERVERware Host, you can obtain root access by running command:

 sudo -s

Enter password for the root user (usually the same as for swadmin user)

Once in the host server list all of the available LXC instances

 sw vps-list

Enter one of the available VPS with the following command:

 lxc-attach -n VPS-NAME

For example:

Congratulations, you're now in VPS

To exit back to host, just type 'exit' and you'll be on the host again

You can access the VPS instance, in a simpler way by following instructions from the following link:

SSH :: HOWTO SSH Access to your PBXware