This timezone system will be used to inform users when voicemail message was received. Timezone selected here will also be used for setting up the timezone for auto provisioned devices.
To define your custom timezone:
- Login to the System Administration.
- Navigate to 'Settings: Voicemail'.
- Under the 'Advanced Features' group there is a 'Timezone' option where the timezone can be chosen.
- Click on the 'Save' button
- Edit Timezones
When you click on this button, a new window with options to configure timezones will be opened.
Click on "Add Timezone" to add your timezone.
- Name - Unique timezone name (E.g. The name provided here will be visible when setting the correct voicemail timezone. Type 'Zenica' here for example)
- Timezone - Set the correct timezone (E.g. If you have set 'Name'='Zenica' (a town in Bosnia) select the closest timezone to Zenica here (e.g. 'Europe/Sarajevo'))
- Time Format - Set the appropriate time format:
- 1. 12 Hour clock
- 2. 12 Hour clock including minute
- 3. 12 Hour clock AM/PM
- 4. 12 Hour clock AM/PM, including minute
- 5. 24 Hour clock
- 6. 24 Hour clock including minute
- Date Format - Depending on the selected 'Timezone', you may choose between the following options
1. Month/Day/Year
2. Day of Week/Month/Day/Year
3. Day/Month/Year
4. Day of Week/Day/Month/Year
- Custom sound - This file is played before the voicemail arrival time (E.g. Enter sound file name, without the extension (e.g. 'arlington') here