HOWTO Remove temporary greeting
HOWTO Remove Temporary Greeting
A greeting message is a message played to users upon entering the voice box when an extension is unavailable or busy. (E.g. When A gets to B's voice box, the selected 'Greeting message' is played to A before A is allowed to leave a message)
User has an option to record a greeting for its extension via 2 different options:
1. By dialing *123 to access voicemail from its phone and following instructions from voicemail IVR 2. To upload greeting from PBXware GUI → Home → Extensions → edit extension in question → Show advanced options → Voicemail section → Greeting message Choose Unavailable or Busy from drop down menu and click on Choose File to upload greeting from its computer.
NOTE: File that will be uploaded must meet requirements of 8000 hz, 16 bits, mono.

Through Voicemail IVR user has also an option to record a temporary greeting for its extension and that is done by dialing *123 and following IVR instructions:
- press 0 for mailbox options
- press 4 to record a temporary greeting
- record temporary greeting
When there is a temporary greeting on the extension it will override the standard greeting.
In order to play a standard greeting again, a temporary greeting must be removed.
To remove temporary greeting from the extension user should call the voicemail menu (*123 by default) from the phone on which the extension is registered and follow Voicemail IVR instructions:
- enter voicemail PIN
- press 0 for mailbox options and sound file “There is a temporary greeting which overrides the standard greeting” will be played
- press 4
- press 2 to erase your temporary greeting.
After 2 is pressed temporary greeting will be erased and the standard greeting which was used before will be played or the user can upload/record a new one by following the procedure explained at the beginning of the guide.
HOWTO remove temporary greeting from the shell:
1. ssh to the system
2. cd /opt/pbxware/pw/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/xxx Where xxx is extension number (for call center systems)
3. cd /opt/pbxware/pw/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/t-yyy/xxx Where yyy is tenant number and xxx is extension number
Example: check voicemail folder for extension 102 and delete temporary greeting: